
Showing posts from June, 2012
How to Stop the Spinning Wheel on Apple By Mangang All Apple computers made in the last ten years use the OSX operating system. The interface, or the part the user actually sees, is a customized collection of commands and features. Longtime Apple users will remember the ticking watch the system used to indicate that it was deep in thought. A multi-color spinning wheel, sometimes referred to as the beach ball of death, has replaced the watch. Users encounter the wheel any time the computer must pause for a few seconds to consider the next command or action. Unfortunately, there are times when more than just a user's patience is required to stop the spinning wheel. Step 1.  Use the keystroke sequence "Command+Option+Escape" if the spinning wheel  does not resolve itself after 30 seconds. The resulting list of programs currently running will indicate which one is not responding. Select the offending program with your cursor and click the "Force Quit" button a...

How to use Mac Recovery System to restore your operating system

How to use Mac Recovery System to restore your operating system If your Mac won't start up, don't panic. The built-in Recovery System can get your Mac up and running! A flashing question mark or flashing globe on boot is one of the scariest sights imaginable to a Mac user. It means that the Mac is not finding the system software it needs to continue booting. You're not doing anything else on this Mac until this is fixed. Since OS X 10.7 Lion, Apple has included the ability for Macs to restart using a special system called the Recovery System. Short of a hardware failure, the Mac's Recovery System can help get you back to working order. It'll let you reinstall your current operating system via the internet, provided your Mac can maintain a network connection. Don't do this unless you have knowledge of software, at least for a short time, risk losing all the data on your hard drive. The first step is to establish that your Mac's hard drive (or in the case o...